The Culprit (or Kale-prit)

I know -- that's not particularly funny. In so many ways that's not funny.

In all of my 73 years enjoying the edible bounty of this good earth, never have I run across a vegetable or fruit to which I was allergic – until now. The little intestinal upset I mentioned in yesterday’s blip? Kale. The hives that are now covering my legs? Kale. Who knew such an innocent and rather pretty leafy green had such potential, but now I do. Fortunately, I didn’t like it anyway. I think I’d just as soon go out in the yard and chew on a hydrangea bush. Because I’m in the process of scratching myself raw, I’m reluctant to say I had a mild allergic reaction, but apparently I did because a severe one can cause anaphylactic shock. So, I guess I could consider myself very lucky. The doctor assured me that a short course of prednisone and some Benadryl will help, so I’m expecting to be less involved with scratching very soon, and never involved with kale again. I’m only grateful I’m not allergic to asparagus, or corn, or kiwi, or fresh peas, or green beans, or oranges, or carrots (you get the picture) or, and I’m really giving thanks here, chocolate.

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