Reviewing the Situation...

After spectacularly failing to take a glamour-soaked picture to illustrate the special screening in Aberdeen's Cineworld last night of my friend Richard's short film, Whistle My Lad, here is the sequel...

A snap of page 7 of today's Press and Journal, which I took on the train home from Aberdeen!

It features a news story about Whistle My Lad and a review by Scotland's First Minister, Alex Salmond, who is MSP for Aberdeenshire East, and who attended the screening with his wife, Moira.

I Tweeted this pic while still on the train and Mr Salmond (who apparently wrote this review for the P&J in jig-time after the screening) immediately followed me on Twitter.

Just reading in today's Herald newspaper about how the FM has almost as many followers on Twitter as his entire Labour opposition!

The film, which will be formally premiered in Cannes next week, has very high production values and is possessed of a beautiful and lyrical original soundtrack composed by John Logan and performed by Royal Scottish National Orchestra.

I wrote this last December for The Herald about the process of laying down the soundtrack for the film.

The FM wrote in his P & J review: "The very best of the north-east coastline is shown off in Richard Burke's fantastic short film, which will hopefully be a calling card for the full-length production."

He continues: "The soundtrack is an impressive mix of classical and traditional Scottish music, which perfectly suits the agony and ecstasy of this story of love and tragedy."

Richard left the corporate jungle a couple of years ago after having several heart attacks. He always wanted to be a writer, so lying in his hospital bed, with wires coming out everywhere, he decided he was going to be one.

Bravo to all concerned... especially the unsung star of the show, Richard's wife, Dorothy.

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