In a bad mood....................

………………..Ann, not me??!! (Sorry this is a bit of a RANT!)

After such a lovely day yesterday…………………… today has been positively horrible. And we don’t just mean weather wise??

Ann had to work for a couple of hours over lunchtime which disrupted our whole day, so after my morning walk she said, ‘Molly, I’m going to spend the morning catching up on all the jobs I need to do. You can have snooze time’.

She made herself another cup of coffee and started sorting out paperwork & paying bills while watching Jeremy Kyle!! So far so good.

After that everything went downhill!!

We went out onto the sun terrace except the sun terrace wasn’t very sunny today. Green fingered Ann is NOT. For those of you who read our BLIP a few weeks ago; you’ll know she bought 8 silver bucket Busy Lizzy growing kits from ‘Morrisons’. The instructions were pretty straightforward – Put the compost in the buckets, sow the seeds, cover with a bit more compost, keep indoors until shoots start to appear. Sounds simple enough but just to be on the safe side, when the shoots started to appear, Ann took a photo and posted it on Facebook posing the question – ‘Can I put these outside now?’ A gardening friend said, ‘Yes’. So she did and look what has happened. We have 8 buckets full of dead Busy Lizzy plants. Anyway the problem has been rectified – Ann put some more compost in 4 of the buckets and planted some Lobelia. Ann likes Lobelia. It seems to grow without much looking after. Not sure what to plant in the other 4 buckets. Personally I wish bones could be grown in pots???

Then Ann went to work and I thought thank goodness. I was getting a bit fed up with her ranting on to me about dead Busy Lizzies & I wanted some uninterrupted sleep time.

Ann works at 'Star Linen Hire'. She’s the office administrator/PA. She doesn’t really want to work Bank Holidays. Bank Holidays should be for taking me out nice places. However, today she was the ‘driver’. She only had one job to do which involved picking up/dropping off laundry at a hotel. However when she got into the office there was a message from another B&B who wanted a pick up.

That involved driving through town & that made her angry??!! Ann will be the first to admit that if tourists didn’t visit our town she wouldn’t have a job and then she wouldn’t be able to afford to give me all the nice things I get. But honestly??!! Why do holiday makers leave their brains behind when they come on holiday???

St Ives is NOT a holiday complex. We're not an all inclusive holiday destination - grrrr. It’s a town where people actually live & work. All the streets in our town are narrow, but would these people who feel that it’s OK to wander along in the middle of the road, do that in their own towns??? I think not. And what makes it worse – they turn around, look at the car that is just about to mow them down, and then carry on walking?????? Time is money.

And then, she went to deliver clean laundry to the hotel but couldn’t get into their car park because a big truck was blocking the entrance taking down scaffolding. There’s no such thing as a Bank Holiday in a seaside town.

Tried to go another way, but the towns May Day celebrations were just about to start and the town band was blocking the street she wanted to go down!!! Grrrrrrr…………

Anyway after all that trauma she came home and I thought, ‘Whoopy doo, I’ll be going for my walk soon.’

Ann said, ‘Molly, I’ve got to clean next door first (Ann looks after our neighbours’ holiday let & they had late check out). So she went off scrubbing and I had more snooze time. When she came back she said, ‘Molly, the owners are going to go mad. There’s 3 really prominent marks on the bedroom carpet and I haven’t a clue what they are.’ Will the holiday makers have this taken off their damage deposit? I doubt it, ‘cos they’ll just deny it was them.

Eventually I got taken on my afternoon walk. My afternoon walk wasn’t very exciting today. I had a bit of a run & then trekked around town. On the way home it started to rain & all the bed linen from the holiday let that Ann had cleaned, was on the washing line, so now it’ll probably all need to be re-washed??

…………………..And now Ann’s onto her 2nd glass of wine and is going to watch ‘soaps’ all night.

As for me………………………. I’m back in my bed having another little snooze.

Hope you’ve had a better Bank Holiday Monday than we have????

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