Sunshine Blipmeet

Today we met fellow blippers Heather & Ben from 'Hopping Around'.

Heather & Ben are staying just outside St Ives so we all met up at the Porthmeor Beach Cafe.

Fortunately Heather had texted Ann so we knew we had to look for a lady in a pink fleece. ......................Otherwise we would have been approaching anyone with a camera and asking, 'Are you a blipper'?????

Heather & Ben thought I was a 'very well behaved little collie' because I just lay down until Ann told me it was time to leave.

But they didn't see the nasty way I snarled at a red setter (who gave me the evils) 2 mins before I met them!!!!!!

Heather & Ben are lovely. Hope you enjoy the rest of your stay here in sunny St Ives.

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