She's electric!

A year ago today, about 10.30 in the evening, I received the best Christmas present I ever had - I can't believe twelve months has gone by and such a busy year as well.

Today, my persistant/chronic neck and shoulder pain cranked itself up a notch or ten. Compounded by lower back pain, which I don't often get (but I think carrying umpteen loads of washing and drying up and down the stairs and turning into Birchwood's very own version of Kim/Aggie has caused a little lower back strain). So the TENS machine has had a couple of hours working on my lower back and has done the trick, and is now doing its thing on my neck and shoulders. The electrodes have been correctly took some doing (Corin is out on Christmas errands!).

James is busily making the second of his Lego Star Wars ships that he got from his Dad and Grandad yesterday for Christmas. He and I stayed up till about 11.30 last night making the first one - which is possibly another reason for my back disagreeing with me today!

So, we're off out in an hour or so, to do our visitings...not quite sure how we are going to cram everyone in but we'll figure it out. Have baked 20 almond macaroons...yum - eaten two already.

And the cat? I was impressed that he sat and looked both ways before he crossed the road, before coming to say hello then mooching off on a bird hunt. If only his brother would go out and play, he might not be such a big fat heffer!

Happy Christmas everyone - hope it brings you joy.

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