LuvAllOf U!!

Although today is a wee bit sad, we are glad to know we will see each other again!

Joe promised to come regularly because he loves being with us as well! He missed his parents and brother a lot, but, like he said: You are like my 'Other Family' and your house is 'My Other House'!

He left with terribly mixed feelings this morning! Saying good-bye sucks!! Always!! :-(

He is right through Customs already, now it is only a matter of waiting to board! It is just after 09:00 now, his flight is scheduled for 11:10! Bon Voyage our dear friend!

I want to wish you all a wonderful Festive Season! May all of you whom it applies to have a Merry Christmas and a very Prosperous 2010! Thank you for being such great Blipfriends and -family! The past year brought so many of you into my house, it was absolutely great to get to 'know' you!!

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