All good things ....

.... must come to an end! :-(

Tonight is quite a sad one for us! Joe must fly back to Zambia tomorrow! We must leave here at about 07:00 in order to get him to OR Tambo Airport two hours before departure! Jeepers, we're going to miss him!! He is like a child in our house and he is the only person in Zambia we ever really miss! We wish we could bring him down here to further his studies, but at this stage it would be better for him to finish his degree there.He has only two more years to go!

I simply had to 'tell a story' in pics today! From top left: Joe at O'Hagens Restaurant, where we treated him to his last official supper with us for this visit, then R jnr and A, (shhht: 'the love of his life'), in the pool, then the two of them playing with Chino, and last, R and Joe playing outside the pool!

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