pretty lady

These Irises(?) grow very easily in this area (ridiculously, my son threw a root into a hole in the front yard when we first moved in, he didn't cover it, he just tossed it in there, and now there is a lovely little bunch of these growing there!). But when we moved into this house these were everywhere. They send out roots which produce more plants so a lot of people just cut through them to wrangle the plants into the space available, and pull the cut roots up to give away or plant appeared the previous owner had done that many times and there were little patches of them all over the place - all the same colour. I wondered why on earth anyone would be so unimaginative with their plants....several years on, I have just pulled some up and moved them to an empty flower bed in which I have bought, planted and failed to grow anything else...apparantly the previous owner could have saved me a bunch of money if I had only listened to the giant hint she left me with her planting :0)

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