Oh Dolly Not Again!

Hi Tom

Dolly is pregnant again! Oops

My fault I should have taken her straight to the vets after last time...I'll do it straight after this time.

I have no idea when the kittens are due. I just thought she looked rather big around the middle and the decorator who seems to know a lot about animals confirmed it for me.

She found a lovely sunny spot to have a nice stretch and a lay in the warmth of the sun. Can't say I blame her. I'd like to do that but there are always things to be done....like the weeding...as you can see!

There is just so much garden that there is so much gardening to do. We could do with a gardener.

Keep June 8th free as we are all booked into the indoor skydiving at Milton Keynes. I'm so looking forward to that.

Next week you will be packed up and ready to leave Montana. Don't forget all the info I need.

I'm off to boot now. I need to work my butt off today as yesterday I think I was a bit lazy. Good job I'm back to Zumba tonight as well. That little bit of extra eating and drinking over Easter makes a big difference. But I'll work it off in no time.

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