
Hi Tom

I have a whole day on my own today from morning to night. Well not strictly true I guess, as I did have a decorator here painting Alex's bedroom. Plus I did go to the hairdressers...and I did do boot this morning....and my friends did come for coffee.... oh and then there were all the people I met in my favourite place Tesco....not! So really not quite a day on my own.

Dad and your brothers are going straight out after work to watch a football cup final. They are going to support one of their work mates. Apparently there are a few players in the other team who used to play with Nick. It will be really nice for them all to see each other again.

I went out with the dogs in the garden...surprisingly they didn't run away. I was looking at everything that needs cutting back. I like taking the secateurs out and giving everything a good ol pruning. That's when I saw these beautiful, delicate little forget-me-nots. They are just so sweet. I love them. One of my favourites. I used to buy packets of the seeds as leaving gifts. I wonder if they are scattered around peoples gardens and they have forgot-me-not!

I think I'm going to get my kindle out tonight that you bought for me and go to bed early and have a good read.

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