From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Daft conversations!

It was one of those days where it started weird and just got weirder! I woke up really suddenly and was convinced I was running late, dashed out of bed and had a really quick shower. I ran upstairs in a panic, fired up the laptop while waiting for the kettle to boil and then wondered why it was still dark outside. I was wondering where the daily health check email was telling me which people I could kill off when the clock bonged three.... I stared aghast at the clock, checked my phone, iPad and finally the display at the corner of my laptop screen before I believed the grim reality that for some odd reason I was sat in the living room logged onto work at bloody 3am! Who or what woke me in a state of panic making me think I was late? Crazy!

With a sigh, I closed the laptop and went back downstairs getting into bed fully clothed for another couple of hours. It was a complete waste of time as all I did was lie in the dark worrying until it really was getting up time that maybe someone had died or something horrible had happened. I am still none the wiser..

Everything was a bit odd today. Alasdair (the boss) sent me a few invoices to pay first thing asking me 'Are you up there or down here this week?' I told him that I was up here and he was down there. It is quite good when it doesn't really matter where you are. He told me he'd taken his two kids to Edinburgh for a couple of days over Easter to prove that it doesn't rain all the time in Scotland. They'd loved Camera Obscura which is my favourite place to visit but didn't get time to visit Dolly the Sheep which is one of my regular courtesy calls.

Speaking of sheep, when mom did come upstairs for breakfast she asked me if I wanted cremated lamb chops, burnt beyond belief pork chops or rock hard unrecognisable sausages for dinner. Well, not exactly but those of you who have been reading my ramblings for a while will know that is the real choice. I said 'no' to the lamb and showed her an interesting sheep picture I'd seen earlier! To cut a long story short, we got it down to pork chops which had turned into sausages by the time dinner time arrived. Don't even bother to ask....

I wandered out for a picture after work but it was as grey and dismal as it could be. The Heads of Ayr were shrouded in mist and Arran was invisible. The seagulls looked fed up and flew off the minute I raised my camera. I caught this fellow just before the rain started. That's it for today. River City is on now!

Big bird..

Track? A bit of later Santana today - Put Your Lights On

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