Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

The joy of Easter.

I got up at 8am and made breakfast, fed Arthur and Tiffany, and watched some BBC News and a little godtv.
The weather is blue skied and very cold.
My husband Paul is suffering with bad back pain, which started many years ago, and as he was putting on his socks this morning the pain was triggered by him bending down.
It was terrible to see him in pain, and after I woke Maria and explained what had happened, I made sure there was nothing more I could do to be of practical help, before going to Christian fellowship.
We prayed for him at the Easter service to be healed of his pain.
It could take a while as he has found it re occurs from time to time.
Sarah gave the Word this morning and spoke on the power of forgiveness.
She really inspired me and had prepared the relevant bible passages very skilfully.
After Church, I returned straight home, and just caught sight of Maria and Paul walking slowly to the Co-op.
I ran to join them, and helped with the shopping.
Paul is unable to drive as this makes the pain worse.
A little while afterwards my son Greg, Hazel, Corey and Tyler came to see us and we exchanged Easter eggs.
The boys had been awake since 6am and both of them were very excited about Easter.
We played Scrabble and had a nice time.
They have gone to visit Hazel's family now.
This evening at 9pm we are going to watch a film streamed via the internet, or on London Live, called Grassroots, which was co written by my Nephew and Godson, Luke. It has a football theme, and is a spoof about the teams in the lower tables.
Have a great Easter sunday everyone.
I hope the Peace of Christ blesses your day.

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