Not the shot I was aiming for

We headed out to Fox Covert cemetary to observe the 9.01 ISS pass this evening. I intended to image it as well and thought I had, but it appears that I must have ever so slightly knocked my focus out, so none of the shots are sharp.

However, as we were all there together and all observed it, that counts as a success.

So instead of the International Space Station, you get the view out over Warrington, with the light pollution that goes with it.

Successful day of baking (36 cupcakes), cooking (full roast dinner) and making sweets (the most sublime fudge I have ever made. It must be good because I am never that full of myself that I would say something like that!!!).

Now I just need to pack, ready to head out in the morning, first to the hospital, then the trek down to my brother's place for 5 days of trying to be of assistance with the babies.

I am desperately looking forward to seeing them all, but I am feeling quite fretful about being away from Corin and James.

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