Mote Lake, Maidstone

A good walk into town and back, fighting off the temptation to go for a coffee at Pop's seeing as we'd only been there the day before. Took the scenic route back around the lake. A cool wind today, but nice in the sunshine.

After lunch down to the allotment to carry out a few more tasks - finishing off some digging, tidying up the grass paths and edges, laying a plastic sheet and the regular hoeing and weeding. Second sowing of broadbeans are up as are some of the first sowing of peas. Not too many weeds yet but the dreaded mares tails are beginning to show their spikey heads. Nice up there today, lots of people around.

Then home to our Saturday evening date with beef and blackbean sauce. Much anticipation was slightly marred by the toughness of the meat - steak strips which had been marinating since this morning. The ice-cream and chocolate was good though as was listening to the Runrig CD of their 40th Anniversary concert.

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