First Official Hot Dog

It's definitely not for lack of trying, Alex making it to the ripe old age of 5 1/2 before he enjoyed his first hot dog. I remember him trying a bite of one when he was 2 years old and despising it, so he has never asked for one since. That was until about 2 weeks ago when they were wrapping up a Pigeon book series at school and Alex was convinced they were going to have hot dogs at their "Pigeon Party" (apparently, the pigeon loves hot dogs). Well, Alex came home bummed that day because they didn't have hot dogs and had popcorn instead. I reminded Alex that he doesn't even like hot dogs and he insisted that he loves them.

Last week Isaac told us about a one year anniversary celebration his bank was having today and that they would be serving up hot dogs. Alex added it to our calendar and then talked about, almost daily, this hot dog he was going to enjoy. This morning, the first thing he said to me was "I hope no one puts ketchup or mustard on my hot dog". This is a picture of Alex enjoying his first full hot dog and guess what?! He LOVED it. Immediately, he was asking for another. I made him wait about 10 min to let the first one settle and then reluctantly let him indulge in one more. He would've had 3 but I pulled the plug on that one as I was already worried about how his little tummy would react to 2 hot dogs today. Alex ended the day with a proud phone call to Grandpa to tell him he ate 2 hot dogs today. Grandpa was thrilled and said he and Alex can indulge in hot dogs together now. Oh joy!

Here are more pictures of the celebration and really just Alex eating hot dogs for an hour. Ha!

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