A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

On the up

Boringly dreadful night's sleep as my subconscious seriously lacks imagination. Last night my computer died in a very dramatic fashion which resulted in it needing to be completely rebuilt. Which is apparently a long process which varies between claiming to take 2 - 9.5 days. We'll see. Anyway, not in enough time for my 9am webinar (I'm going to skip the bit when I thought it started at 9.30am and be grateful the 15min alarm pinged loudly enough). Fortunately I have a spare computer, ironically the family one that I insist the kids use as I am too nervous about anything happening to mine as I rely it on so much for work. Ha! Now just to worry that it doesn't have the right software on it for the webinar and my webcam.

My sleeping brain interpreted this as being cast in a play by Anna's drama teacher who never got around to rehearsing my bit so I have to go on on opening night having never rehearsed, no idea what I'm doing and my lines written on the palm of my hand.

So sleep deprived and a not very relaxing start to the morning. But it went okay. And as of lunchtime I am basically on holiday for almost two weeks.

The munchkins are back, bickering and teasing and seeing who can trip each other up the most and in the best way. A walk/rollerblade around the park in the sunshine. Anna worked on her self-given holiday "I want to make a robot" project and Jackson tried to make a catapult with a stick from the park.

And frisbee.

Now I'm very tired. I hope my subconscious is having a night off.

Lesley x

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