A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Ambient Sociability

I like people. Even when I have stuff to get on and do. Sometimes I like to shut myself away in my office and work but usually if the kids are in the house, or after a noisy morning of getting ready and walking them to school and in the playground chat. I think it's a contrast thing. Without wishing to put anyone's mind in the gutter frankly the two of us just don't make enough noise in the morning. Turns out we get ready for the day pretty quietly with the Today programme providing a bit of gentle background mumble. So when Carl left for work I left too. I have to go back soon as I have a webinar to run but until then I shall do my own thing in the company of others. Which I learned recently is called ambient sociability.

The kids are back tonight so tomorrow I shall return to complaining that the house is too noisy and messy. I can't wait.

Lesley x

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