Scenes From a Farm

After visiting my sister's farm yesterday with my daughter and grandson, I returned today with Shelley (naturelover), and 2 of her grandchildren.

They were much more interested in the goats than Merrick was. The 2 kids even gave them names. Goatee for the little brown guy...Midnight for the darker one.

After playing with the goats...Brody and I went out into the open part of the barn. The hayloft beckoned. "Hey Grandpa you care if I go up the ladder into that top part?" "No...just be careful. I'll stand underneath you."

Shelley and Sanibel came out from petting the goats. "Hey...what are you doing up there?' Shelley had the nerve to give me the evil eye. I countered with..."C'mon...he's a boy. It's a hayloft." Nuff said.

The temperature was barely above 40F, and it was cold in the drafty barn. Plus...somebody (I won't say who) had to use the potty, and my sister wasn't home.

We said goodbye to the baby goats, and departed.

Put it into large for a better look at the busy picture. I put 11 more on my FLICKR PAGE. Some more of the babies, and some more of the children.

Shelley...obviously feeling bad about giving me the stinkeye...bought my lunch.

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