Still Here!

By Yorkhull

A blue building against a blue sky

I have travelled around New York on a bus today. Taken loads and loads of photos including many iconic ones such as Empire State Building and the new world trade tower. Deciding which to blip in just a few minutes before I go out to the theatre was not easy. But I kept coming back to this one. It stuck out when I saw it. I don't know what building it is and at the moment haven't time to check. But the colour of the building against the sky makes it a dramatic picture I think.

So a great day out on the first of a two day bus and water bus pass. I stopped off today at the Katz's Deli which has been featured on Man v Food and my son and I have watched these programmes and it was great to visit one. I had pastrami on rye and the meat just melted in the mouth. It was packed to the rafters but it was a good diversion. I passed briefly by Central Park, hope to have time for that tomorrow.

Tonight, at great expense, I am going to the theatre to watch a drama about Lyndon B Johnson. Key actor is the star of Breaking Bad. It should be fun. So wanted to blip before I got back as I think I will be tired than and anyway you are all probably in bed even now.

STOP PRESS: thanks to rummy for the following info:

It is a seventeen floor residential building called BLUE and has thirty two apartments. It was opened in 2007 and is by the architect Bernard Tschumi.

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