Still Here!

By Yorkhull


I have taken so many photos in the last two days I simply don't know what to choose. Today started early with a bit of a walk down to the harbour for my hour long boat trip. I was reminded just how fragile I feel these days after yesterday's walking and late theatre (the play was great though) I was feeling it today. I know that the treatment I am having is keeping my cancer dormant for now so I am not complaining. But my bone and muscle density is certainly much reduced. Two days of activity takes its toll and I was glad to get on my second bus trip and just sit back and enjoy the magnificent buildings.

The boat trip was great though and I got some nice pics of the Statue of Liberty and the coastline and also Brooklyn Bridge all of which featured in my short list. Two other pics featured, one I took accidentally of a branch of a tree that just worked so well and I might blip that tomorrow as I am travelling all day and won't get another chance to blip until late tomorrow. The other was this typical NYPD policeman.

I decided on the policeman because I wanted to try mono with a bit of colour popping, so you'll tell me if it worked.

So my two weeks has finished and its time to pack, and get ready for a 4.15 am start tomorrow to fly home. I'm ready now for home comforts and blipping in sync with the rest of you.

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