Family selfie

Grim ish night
Unsettled at 1 and 3am, I managed to settled her both time, but I was really struggling to settle.
Daddy went at 4am and brought her into our bed.
(Love how the rules are different!)

Lazy breakfast then we decided to head out.

Evesham country park.

Charlotte was quite grumpy at the start, but cheered up after a while. She enjoyed the train journey, couldn't resist family selfie!

Grabbed some lunch whilst we were out, definitely had better! Charlotte was fast asleep in the car after five minutes. Carried her in, she then continued to sleep until I woke her some 1.5 hours later.

Played outside, baked some yummy coconut macaroons (hummingbird book recipe)

Finally finished moderating 27 year 6 writing books. Not happy with a few, but, I can't do anything about it!

Busy day tomorrow - but my last Sunday night until at least January next year........

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