
Bad start to the morning.
Charlotte awake, crying, daddy daddy daddy.
Got her back to sleep, got back to bed. 5:40 she cries again.

I send daddy.

Daddy brings her into our bed where she proceeded to bounce, jump, bounce some more......

Eventually daddy realised downstairs was the best option so off the two of them toddled, leaving me in bed. I couldn't settle. Got up and headed down.

Daddy went shooting, Charlotte played, I sat on the sofa. Charlotte then said bed so up to bed we went, thumb into mouth and back to sleep! I followed suit dont tell daddy I set the alarm for thirty minutes then pottered. Only 59 minutes later she was awake! We then had a pull up nappy / poo disaster so into the shower she went!

Dressed and fit for purpose we headed down, just in time for auntie Katie and Lucy. They left after a while, daddy came home, nanny and grandad came for lunch, then Anna and Charlie (Anna I met through our Nct group is currently living in Las Vegas!) came round. So so lovely to see them both.

Not the greatest picture but love the way both daddy and Charlie are kissing Charlotte x

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