Easter sunday

Munchie woke around 5:30, hot, grumpy and tearful. Mr Calpol made an early appearance and seemed to help. Womsie woke around 6:00. Discovered the Easter bunny had been and brought gifts. Daddy had an egg, Munchie had a doctors kit and Wom had a set of squeaky eggs. They also had gifts from uncle john and auntie Katie which were great hits too.

Daddy went shooting. Popping back home to bring me a sausage sandwich and an Easter egg, apparently the Easter bunny had forgotten to deliver them!

Wom slept, Munchie and I played at doctors. Wom woke and we went down to the shooting ground. Serious face the whole time but she was chattering away and asking questions too. Home. Munchie crashed. In the end I decided just to let her sleep. Unfortunately Wom woke her up by pulling her hair. Lots of tears. Mr Calpol made a second appearance.

Grandma arrived, nanny and grandad Also arrived. Lamb eaten. No idea if it was ok as I didn't have any, cooking it was tough enough. Lovely presents for the children and eggs for us too.

Everyone went home, baths and bedtimes done.

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