Niel Gow's Bench

A walk along the south bank of the Tay took us past Niel Gow's bench, a lasting memorial to the renowned 18th century Scottish fiddler. With the patronage of the local laird, the Duke of Atholl, he was regularly engaged as a fiddler for balls and celebrations run by the local gentry. His compositions form the backstay of Scottish country dance music to this day, and the annual Niel Gow Fiddle Festival has taken place in Dunkeld and Birnam for the past 10 years, giving a boost to the local folk scene as well. He is said to have composed many of his best tunes at this spot under the oak tree.

The bench was a bit too wet to sit on today after the morning showers. We plodded on till we reached Dunkeld and the Spill the Beans Cafe where the home-baked cakes are to die for!

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