When things go wrong

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Sorry for this not being a Charlotte picture.
Failed to take any all day.

Hospital visit was long, frustrating, the usual. Back there next Friday for another scan to check newt ok.

Home, collected Charlotte. Felt grotty.

Felt very poorly by about 6pm, lee did milk. Started being very sick, cramping up tummy. Not sure whether to take insulin or not. Lee rang the hospital!

We were not expecting what happened next

Told to pack a bag and head in, query labour!
Next door came round to Charlotte sit and off we went. Side room ready for us. Doctors everywhere, hooked up to monitors.

Midwives / doctors concluded not labour. Query d&v bug. Lee left. Through the night they canulared me and hooked me up to a drip, blood sugars were very very low. Ketones, lots of ketones present.

Poorly poorly.

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