A long long day

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Throughout Friday night / Saturday morning they monitored me.

Once they were certain it wasn't labour they set about righting all my levels. Tricky when food wasn't an option, nor dextrose tablets (apparently they don't sit well on an empty stomach) so added to the litres and litres of Hartmann? Fluid I had, they also gave me anti emetics, dextrose and some form of antibiotic!

My levels were horrendous, the ketone levels were high. Eventually the decision was made that I would have to eat. Forty minutes to eat one biscuit, but it helped..... From about 4pm Saturday I was encouraged to eat as much as I could handle, which in all honesty wasn't much, but I knew I had to as newt needed it!

Lee came to visit me, apparently I looked much better as I was no longer grey!

Missed lee and Charlotte so much today.

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