A not so comedy of errors

Lee, at three this morning was getting dressed for work until I pointed out to him it was 3am!
He went for a wee, tripped on the stair gate and made it clunk.
This in turn woke Charlotte up.
Charlotte wouldn't settle so into our bed she came.
Whereupon she coughed so much she was sick!
Luckily bath towels were in the wash basket so no major clean up issue required.
Once she was calmer I took her back to bed.
She settled, she coughed, she icked up again, this time on me, the blanket, the duvet, the sheet!
While bed stripped with her chattering away to me like anything. Into bed and back to sleep by 4:30.
I couldn't settle, lee got up again, but at the right time this time!
I dropped off till I heard coughing again, yep, more ick but not really ick, just phlegm.

We watched tv, we played with toys, we chilled.
Breakfast followed.

I concluded we would swim, spoke up swimming instructor who was happy for us to be in the pool. She was a star. One of today blip pics was taken a while ago by the aquatots photographer / I love it.

Hone, sleep. I woke her up after 2.5 hours!

Lunch then headed into Malvern to do jobs.
Jobs done. Snuggled up on the sofa and watched curse of the were rabbit! She loved it.

Daddy home
Long long bath

Hospital tomorrow for 32 week scan, getting tad nervous now!

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