Victory is Sweet

This is virtually the only image on my camera today, and it shows Nina with the coveted skiing cup for her slalom race in the Dolomites last week.

I suggested to her that it should be perhaps filled with a suitable drink in celebration, but she told me it would rust. Perhaps she is right.

What I do know is that any of her ability on snowy or icy surfaces is certainly not attributable to this grandmother who cannot balance upright on ice skates, has never stood on skis and whose sledging experience was a cold wet event, never to be repeated

Her baby brother occupied much of my time in Glasgow today. A contented baby he is not, although he does sleep through most of the night, so I suppose we can excuse his constant daylight requirements of attention and feeding.

I return tomorrow with His Lordship as a relief pair of hands. My daughter has to go to her office for a little while to deal with mail of an inanimate sort since her business partner is 'Down Under' on a fact finding mission.

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