In The Wall

Headed into The Centre this morning ........... God but I hate the place - especially at this time of year.

Where do you store decorations that are this big?
And as thethe tree .....................

I much prefer the ammonites in the marble cladding of the outside wall of Debenhams.

I had to drive to West Calder to drop off my daughters car for an engine management check this afternoon.
Then I had to go back to collect it .....£40 to be told the battery needed changed (they wanted 1nother £95 for a battery ..... I think not!)
Then I had to go back again because SWMBO had left the card in the machine.

However, on a lighter note - I am now permitted to make public the fact that my daughter is "with child".

What an improvement scan pictures are these days I must say.
When SWMBO was expecting our two it was impossable to work anything out (even after everything being pointed out)

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