The Iceman Cometh

Well...he isn't actually isn't coming...but I liked the title better than The Iceman Sitteth. Or...The Iceman Loungeth.

One of the most important jobs at a fish company is the ice man. When the fishing boats go out for 7-10 days, they have to have ice to keep the fish fresh. No ice...spoiled fish.

This grizzled old guy is the ice man. In all the times I've been there, he has never given me a hello, or even a grunt. When I act like that, people say I'm acting gruff. Gruff would be a nice term for this guy.

WAY out of my comfort zone here. And...since I thought he might spit on me if I asked him to pose, I hid behind some machinery, and snapped away with my zoom lens. Chicken...I know.

I was all prepared to post a flying bird, and give a sad tale of Lisa flying home tonight. But, I took her all the way to Tampa (50 miles one way)...only to have her flight delayed (bad thunderstorm)...forcing her to miss her connection. So...I had to turn right around, and pick her up. She gets one more night in sunny stormy Florida.

The flying bird (a blue heron), and some palm tree chainsaw art are on my FLICKR PAGE. Get on the gas...and go have a look...just so you can say that you SAW them.

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