A Wee Visitor

 Look who has come to visit me. IT'S THE MERRICK MAN!

Merrick, and my wife and daughter got here last night at 11 p.m. At 11:10, he was asleep in the back of my van. It was a l-o-n-g day for them.

The boy is go...go...go...almost never stopping. We played with cars (on the floor), we built blocks (on the floor), we played Super Merrick (on the floor.) What's wrong with being on the floor? Eventually...I HAVE TO GET UP!!

After an hour or two in the pool, we did all get a nice nap. Which revived the little man. While I am typing this and watching NCIS, Merrick and the two girls are taking a late night swim.

What will tomorrow bring?

P.S. Soooo frustrating with my internet issues. I click on your thumbnails, and nothing happens. I wait and wait, and wait some more. ARRGGGHHHH!!!!

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