A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Yum scrum

Much better day today - bridges built, apologies received, more content. All smiles.

Lisa (my bridesmaid to be and top mate) and I went to the Continental Market in Manchester this evening - purely for the food and the gluwein. Roast pork barm cakes, hot apple strudel and white custard, and a mug of steaming hot mulled wine. Yeah baby yeah!

Much talk about life, the universe and weddings. 17 weeks on Saturday. Tick tock!

Then travelled home on a train with the weirdest group of commuters ever seen - when I text Lisa to tell her my quote was
"weird people - like Eddie Izzards axe murderers in the all night garage queue" I could hear her laugh in my head as she read it - she text back to confirm my suspicions. Shortly afterwards, one of the Russian mafia boarded the train and sat behind me - having an argument with a phone company about the rubbish handset he was using and the terrible signal he gets - I moved on my seat and accidently made eye contact and he apologised for disturbing me. No problem says I (because frankly I was a little twitchy!). Eyes down for a full house.

Its bathtime with my beloved.


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