A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

All is not what it appears

The moon is perhaps made of cheese after all.

Or maybe its a jacket spud?

I have my moon shot, but didn't want to post another one, so I completely and utterly over processed it.

Ignore the rest - inane ramblings of a tired 36 year old woman who, just for today, has had enough.

Criticism ...constructive...you know what - today I don't need it. Today I have had enough. I'm mentally exhausted, had enough, if I wasn't typing right now, my head would be in my heads, pondering the disbelief that some people manage to stir up in me.

Today ...very insightful meeting this morning which left me much to ponder, but was marred ever so slightly by someone being particularly patronising and supercilious. I tuned them out and went to another place in my head where I was not sat in a room being spoken to like a child. Disbelief, disappointment, frustration.

Taught one lesson - set 5 detentions for after school tomorrow - no progress means they haven't used their time wisely and they will therefore catch up in their own time. Doh. I shake my head and tut (actually I didn't - I reprimanded and issued detention letters) and lament the loss of my personal time after school because I have to sit with these students whilst they catch up on wasted time (and it won't be the last time!)

Meetings from 1.40pm. Some constructive. Some not at all.


There's a word.

Preparation - thats another one.

Personal responsibility...


Not everyone understands the real meaning and implications of those words in reference to our role.

Makes me sad - because its children and colleagues who are impacted upon as a result.

Plug the gaps...has to be done ...not fair though when there's enough to do as it is.

Disbelief? ...its not really the moon, HONEST, its a nice piece of cheshire cheese waiting to sit on a cracker to be eaten.

No, its the moon.

Or is it?!

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