Crawling towards the finish line

This term, between September and Christmas is the worst of the school year. The nights draw in, the temperature drops, the weather gets worse, the kids get cabin fever because they can't get out and play footy at lunch time, everything gets a bit lairy and frantic. I feel like I am clinging on by my finger nails at the moment to the last bits of energy that I have, just to finish the crawl to the end of term, when I can switch off for at least a couple of days.

I know I am not the only one.

Friday's offer a brief window for respite - switch off briefly tonight, tinker with some photos, need to upload some more to my website, order wigs and moustaches from t'interweb (don't ask!), speak briefly to mum (I'm intrigued mother and I won't deny it), time in the nice warm shed, snuggles on the sofa with jimbo and shortly bath and sleep before my body gives up on me completely.

Tomorrow? Data analysis. Boo! Christmas shopping (without leaving the house) and food shopping (might have to leave the house for that one!)

Sometime over the weekend - a drive to my Dad's to go and say hello.

Enjoy your weekend boys and girls...

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