A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Poorly executed

There's an interesting discussion going on in the forum, which I stumbled across this afternoon but couldn't really comment on at the time (I have done subsequently).

In response to the forum thread, I will offer my own critique of tonight's 'work' - its poo! Poorly executed representation of my kitchen in all of its lilac,black, white and chrome gloriousness (all shots taken whilst I was cooking a wonderful spaghetti bolognaise with special things in because James and Jack like it the way I do it!).

I have wanted to have a go at stitching a pile of pics together - whilst I was in the kitchen I thought it would be as good a place to start as any. I think I made life difficult for myself to be honest, but it IS something I will attempt again, with a more appropriate subject matter.

The kitchen is probably the most important and well used room in the house, with my office coming a close second. Those of you who know me will know that I love to cook and bake; the kitchen table is the place where homework is done, models are made and paintings are splashed together. Dinner is served, tea is drunk, days are dissected and reflected upon at our table. Our kitchen is the place where we celebrate James' achievements - at Certificate Central (the fridge), where we leave silly little notes for each other on the noticeboard, where we sneak to after midnight to raid snacks from the cupboard and where we say goodby every morning, and hello every evening. I think that makes it the heart of our home.

Otherwise, I am well and truly zonked out - meeting this morning 3 and a quarter hours, no break, straight into teaching, 20 minutes break, covered a lesson for an absent colleague, 20 minutes admin, motorway, traffic jam, Asda, collect James and jack from Judo, home, tidy up, washing, more work, cook tea, eat tea, tidy up kitchen, stitch photos.......post blip.......retire to shed for a cup of tea with my beloved!

Edit - Go check out this blip of my mum's - biker chick

Enjoy your evening folks!

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