
By Grimsayer

Sun at last

There was enough warmth in the sun to have a breakfast cup of coffee outside this morning. Unfortunately it being a fast day that was all there was for breakfast.
On then to the fleshpots of Lochmaddy - at least the Post office - before cutting along the North coast of North Uist to Balranald for another fruitless Pied-Billed Grebe chase.
That said walking along the beach opposite Tigharry, where this blip was taken, is always beautiful regardless of any ornithological highlights. For us today that highlight was a couple of Snow Buntings on the machair.
Then on home and into the garden. It is taking shape. The fruit bushes have survived and surprisingly the cuttings I took last year look remarkably healthy. Mores the pity that we will not be here to enjoy the results of our endeavours this year. The structures of walls and retaining tyres are proving both useful and curiously attractive. The light was such that we were still gardening at 7pm. A true Spring day.
Pity those back at Wellington having an Inspection starting tomorrow. That seems a life-time away!

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