Breadsticks and cuddles

Poor poor Munchie.
Teething monster tried to strike around 10:30pm, we sent him packing. He tried again around 11:15pm, again we won, but his stealth attack at 12:15am went unnoticed until the cries of mummy daddy penetrated the monitor.

I sat with her / cuddled her / soothed her for an hour but she just couldn't settle, she then somehow got out of bed and along the corridor, climbing into our bed and snuggling up to daddy before I had blinked.

She cuddled for a while then daddy took her back to bed. Again sitting / cuddling / singing / soothing all deployed but failed. Calpol was administered as was teething powder but to no avail.

Eventually after about two hours Charlotte announced she wanted her cot. Daddy obliged and within minutes she was asleep.

6:40am came round far too quickly. Lee and I have both been grotty all day. Charlotte slept for an hour and a half at nursery and has faired better.

Tonight she got herself into a state about getting in big girl bed so possibly against my better judgement I gave in and put her to sleep in the cot. Part of me hopes this will give us all a much needed decent nights sleep but also have not undone all of last weeks amazing nights sleeping in big girl bed. Only time will tell.

Emergency ish blip, getting home having daddy cuddles and nibbling on breadsticks xx

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