
After last night being a cot night I was slightly determined tonight would be big girl bed.

She woke just after 6, but was happy chatty and smiley. Headed to nursery and for first time ever she joined the other toddlers at the window to wave bye bye (I was slightly anxious this may induce tears, but all was well)

Work ok, the person covering my maternity leave is just lovely, she's an ofsted inspector but just so kind, so diligent and the children like her. result!

Picked Munchie up, came home. Played then she decided she wanted a shower but mummy wasn't allowed in! Showered, milk. Transfer to big girl room, took some time but she is asleep in her bed.

Tonight's blip was taken just before shower time, we've bought a futon as we no longer have a spare bed, Charlotte thinks it is wonderful!

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