Pub / donkeys and flowers

Early start, I was zombiefied due to horrid dreams and a 1-2 unsettled little girl. She's not awake during these times but just cries in her sleep. Trying a thinner sleeping bag tonight to see if that helps.

Daddy went shooting - we chilled then Charlotte went back to bed. I snuck in a 40 minute chill in bed with the duvet over me and my eyes closed!

Went to meet daddy for lunch. It was exceedingly chilled and very lovely. No iPad involved or sticker books, just lovely. Charlotte ate exceedingly well. Her pudding was amazing. The girls at the pub have taken a real shine to her as proved by this pudding!

Came home via the donkeys, Charlotte insisted on having a basket and was happy to put things in (and then take out) of the basket. She was even more delighted to have a ride in the trolley. We bought these primulas, Charlotte counted then from 1-7! Very impressed!

Home, chilled and played. Watched Sarah and Duck DVD. Bath milk bed. Lazy supper for mummy and daddy and early to bed for us too x
Night night

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