Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Satin Bowerbird - A rare visitor!

I have been agonising all day! Now I know it's Mono Monday, but when this beautiful Satin Bowerbird arrived this morning and I was able to manage to capture him having a bath I just couldn't bring myself to publish in mono. I think the colours are just beautiful and I've published another on my Blipfolio showing the wonderful markings on the little birds breast. I really encourage you to view the LARGE version of this Blip.

I know they live out on Shipley Plateau but rarely do they visit this far out. We were astonished when she first appeared on the sleeper wall behind the Billabong. No camera velcrosed to the hip on this occasion, but shortly after I looked out and there she was having a wonderful time in the Bird Bath. This time I was ready!!

What surprised me was the extraordinary colour of the eyes, they are a very, very bright blue. I'm hoping someone can tell me if this has anything to do with why the Bowerbirds when they're building their bower collect all things blue to decorate their bower.

The Satin Bowerbird has a very sophisticated Latin name - Ptilonorhynchus violaceus and my Simpson and Day Field Guide tells me its Voice is a 2 note whistle, hissing, buzzing, mimicry! this little one didn't give us a note - too pre-occupied in the bath tub probably!

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