Crashed and bubbles

6:50 wake up
If I overlook the 2-3am it wasn't a bad night at all.

Headed out to pick up frames for her big girl room and popped into sainsburys for some chicken, cake and eggs. Had planned on post office but someone fell asleep in the car!

Came home and plonked her on the sofa expecting her to stir! Not a peep

Hindsight (wonderful thing) I should have put her to bed and given her a late lunch, but instead woke her for lunch and then took an hour to get an extremely overtired girl to go to sleep.

We had bubbles when she woke up as I concluded fresh air was needed

Inlaws came over this afternoon - Charlotte had fun playing and bossing a new audience about. Late bath, late milk, late to bed but it is the weekend.

Fingers crossed for no 2-3 stint tonight as I'm a teeny bit knackered!

Night night x

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