A little ray of sunshine

It started out very grey and windy this morning, but we had no plans other than to go back to Hove to try and find some 'free' parking close to where I'll be working, and then I'd have a choice of driving or using the buses. Unfortunately, the closest area is about one mile from the office, but we parked up and walked it to see how long it would take. It took about 20 minutes which is fine on a nice day, but not so pleasant in the rain, so I suggested we could put my bike in the back of the car and I could cycle the mile to the office. Alan is now on a mission to find a folding bike that I could easily lift in and out of the car!

When I start I'll do a couple of days on the bus and a couple of days by car and see whether there's much difference in the length of the journey. The downside of the bus is that I'd need to get two buses which will mean waiting around, and at the end of the day I'm just going to want to get home.

The sun has now come out, and is shining on these roses which were a present from Lorraine and Emily, so I decided that these would be my blip for today. We're not planning on going out again, and I picked up a ready cooked chicken for our dinner later so we're going to have a bit of a lazy day for a change.

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