Drowned Rat

Alan wanted to give Louis a bath this morning as he was starting to look quite filthy underneath, as well as the fact he's not been bathed since his operation a few weeks ago. So as I'm working today, I said he had to bath him early so that I could blip him.

As you can see, once he's wet he's so skinny and he really does look like a drowned rat! He hates it, but once he's out of the bath he feels great and starts running round like a mad thing making everywhere wet!

Anyway, it's my last day in work before a week in the UK, so I'll leave Alan to get everything ready today - I finally finished the 'necessary' ironing yesterday so everything's folded on the spare bed ready to pack. Hopefully there won't be too much to do tonight as we're leaving at 7am tomorrow morning.

Right, I'd better go and get ready - enjoy your weekend!

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