Happy girl

Long day. Dropped Charlotte at nursery came home, picked daddy up and headed to the hospital. Scan - sonographer talked too much twaddle not enough fact for my liking, wasn't the best scan we've had but all appeared ok. Then to see midwife - then consultant (who is just so lovely) then diabetic consultant. Came out with two extra appointments - one for diabetic team in two weeks time and another scan in four. Feel no further forward - feel bombarded - feel scared.

Picked Munchie up from nursery and she fell asleep in the car, got her into bed at home and she slept really well.

Grandma has now sewn on Charlotte's swimming badges to her towel - they look great.

Went to the park but the heavens opened so we came home. Went to the pub, but Charlotte was just tad too tired for it all

I'm shattered, may just go to bed now!

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