
Another night completed in big girl bed - even better, we were rewarded with a 6:50 wake up!

Ended up getting under daddy's feet this morning, Charlotte wanted daddy, daddy wanted neededto work. Headed out slightly earlier than planned, ignoring the sat nav, to go and meet Charlotte's godmother and my god daughter.

Met at the gruffalos school. Was huge! Charlotte loved playing in the hall with all the soft play, she equally enjoyed running around on the playground! Especially having two people to boss about!

She became so tired around 1:30, I felt confident she would fall asleep in the car nnnnnnnooooooo she was wide awake chattering all the way home, got home and tried to get her to sleep fail!

Long afternoon - she was tired, very tired, but wanted daddy!

Bath, cuddles, bed in big girl room x

Get to say hello to newt tomorrow, 28 week scan - May or may not get clues to when things might happen!

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