She only went and did it!

She slept the whole night in her big girl bed. Waking at 6am with shouts of daddy, seconds before the monitor realised she wasn't in her bed and started bleeping very loudly.
So proud x

Anyhow, exceedingly lazy start to the morning, Charlotte has definitely exceeded her tv limit today but do I care? We lay in bed watching Wallace and gromit, eventually heading downstairs for breakfast.

Stinkiest poo ever was produced - definitely still teething! Dressed and almost ready to go when auntie Katie and Lucy arrived.

Headed to a new farm park. No reviews on trip advisor!

Got there at ten, just before it had opened, lovely welcoming atmosphere. Soft play barn, cafe, so many beautiful animals - lush.

Charlotte walked for almost the whole adventure, with just the occasional carry asked for. She just loved the whole experience. Both girls crashed in the car on the way home, I carried Charlotte up to bed and she slept until I woke her at three, she then proceeded to grump at me for quite some time.

Auntie Sarah and Sienna popped over to see us. Was lovely to see them, shame Charlotte was tired grumpy and not in the mood to share her toys. The time out spot is becoming more common these days.

Bath then chill out time, followed by bed in big girl room again. Night night beautiful x

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