Watch the Birdie

I needed a break from my books and with the twins away to enjoy a hour in the park I had the house to myself but needed some thinking time with no distraction. I set off over the hills at the top of our village, a dry bright day but the conditions underfoot "entertaining after the rain and snow of the recent weeks.

I crested the hill that affords me a view of our river, almost equidistant between my childhood home and my friends in the neighbouring village, just two fields away as I used to tell myself and how today I would have given anything for them to have been just two fields away... sadly for us both it isn't so and as I watched the river, grey, slowly ebbing away I heard this little friend calling, calling as if to say "You Can Do It" the very thing my friend would be saying.

He was content to sit, his little head flitting from side to side surveying the undulating field as it drops towards the top of the next village, the houses still hidden from view and the vista unfettered by mans hand. I shot a few frames bereft of anything else my companion makes an entry tonight.

I hope you enjoy seeing him as I enjoyed watching him for just that little while, I hope this entry finds you safe and best in large I venture

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