A Prezzie form the Mid-West of America!!

What a nice surprise in the mailbox today!!

A lovely Blipfriend sent me a Super Olive Soap (handmade bar of soap) and a Vanilla Lip Balm!! All the way from America!! ;-) Inside the parcel was a lovely card with Yellow Roses on, and a heartwarming note written inside!

What a lovely gesture! Thank you só verrry much Debbie, it is deeply appreciated! I will feel too sorry to use it, but I will try my best to do so!! I know it was meant to be enjoyed! I must admit, I've tested the Vanilla Lip Balm immediately, ooohh, divine!! Thank you once more! I luvvvv it! God bless!!

The thrill to get a surprise parcel from America!! Indescribable! The last time I was thrilled like that, was in August when this arrived from Sweden, and before that, in March, when this arrived from UK!!

Yoohoo, I am being spoilt by my friends and family all around the Globe!! ;-)

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