The Wanderer Returns...
... in the form of my stepmum, now back from her six week trip to Kenya. It was so good to buy her a coffee and catch up on her travels and photos, which weren't half as bad as she had made out. There were some super birds and hippo shots amongst them.
I was rather sick in the night. I'm not sure what I ate to cause it but thankfully was fine once I got back to bed. So, I had a quiet morning in the pjs watching a series I'd taped but never seen called 'The Americans' set in the early 80s, about spies in the Cold War in USA. It's ridiculous but not bad so I shall carry on.
After coffee, I simply came back home and will have a quiet night in as I don't fancy the meal and flicks that I'd planned with friends in Bedford. I will be baking a banana bread loaf though, as I've got three overripe bananas that need to be used!
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