
By Angelique


Firstly I apologise for the lateness of this posting mainly due to computer difficulties. Time we bought a new one!!

It has been an amazing day travelling to Bath to meet Honecombebeach now known as Lifes a Challenge, who travelled over from Swindon. The weather was incredibly kind, only dropping rain on us as we were saying our farewells.

We enjoyed a great lunch together chatting as though we have known each other for years. Such is the bond between Christians. We all share the same amazing testimony of His love in our lives.

We decided to meet months ago as Mrs HCB as I call her had very kindly found some special books for Matthew. Greeting and finding each other was not difficult. Recognised her immediately and of course there aren't too many Phoebes around.

All too soon our meeting was over and the above is at our farewell stage. We will meet up again in the summer when the weather is kinder to us all.

Hope you have all had a special Saturday. It probably wont be as exciting as ours though. May you be blessed tomorrow, probably not by the weather but in some special way.

Sending hugs to you all, very special band of people:) x

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